
Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Here comes trouble...

Well, Noah is starting to understand the word "no" when his mouth finds things that shouldn't be eaten (which is pretty much everything he can get his hands on). He's also starting to show a little 'tude when he doesn't get what he wants! He's also learning CPR technique as you can see from above! Our little guy is growing up and making his way in life! He's also started full fledged crawling (no belly on the ground)! No army crawl anymore. Our man love his Cheerios too, I think he could eat them all day! We started yogurt this week, but not sure if its working out yet. We also want to congratulate Betsy & Joe on finding out their having a baby girl!! YAY! Love you all!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Whoa, 9 months??

Noah's 9 month landmark is coming up soon and I truly can't believe how quickly time has flown. He just started a new sound, "dada". I don't think it counts as a word until he knows the meaning ;) But that's just "mama" talkin'. =) Noah went to his first rodeo last night and had a good time, for the small amount of time he was there (he had to be back by his curfew!). Mommy and daddy had an afternoon out this past weekend and went to see Dark Knight and have lunch! We had a great time and the movie was GREAT! We hope you all are doing well and we can't wait to put up another post of Noah's next great accomplishment!